Mariett Monfort


Siempre he sentido el impulso vital de dejarme llevar por lo que mi mente ha querido expresar, sirviéndose de mi cuerpo como instrumento; ese que tanto cambia con mi estado de ánimo y  su BSO, parte fundamental en el ritmo de esta vida. Y por ello,  he logrado trasladar mi "yo" más importante a un lienzo blanco para ser corrompido por la sinceridad de lo que acontece por adentro, esculpiendo con pincel los pensamientos más sinceros. La pintura es la forma más noble de introspectar en mi yo y su subconsciente. Algunas veces el resultado es toda una sorpresa y otras tienen mucho sentido, como si este lienzo fuera el diván donde pongo voz a las partes íntimas de mi ser. Jugar con los colores y las formas asi como con los materiales, es parte de ese proceso artistico. Me fascina descubrir y aprender con cada pieza. Grandes maestros he encontrado las diferentes culturas e historias con las que he convivido a lo largo de mi vida; sin duda, me han afectado directamente a la hora de crear.

 Sigo este viaje de busqueda y conocimiento personal.



 Mariett is a Spanish Multidisciplinary artist based in New York with a wide international background. Formed in the Art Students League in New York for 3 years. has exhibited individually and collectively in Madrid, Mexico, Miami, New York and Italy.

At the age of 23, Mariett Monfort (Madrid, 1983) moved abroad to start in the world of marketing and advertising. Her career took her to New York, where her work with different photographers and creatives, made her connect with the art world.

 Mariett works are a remarkable display of intuition and deliberation in a process that requires contemplation and thought in order to probe the interior and the exterior self. A prolific artist, her aesthetic repertoire consists of painting, painting installation, photography and sculpture, all of which are part and parcel of her contemporary abstract visual vocabulary. By overlapping layers of solid patterns and luminescent colors, Mariett creates in her compositional structures diaphanous veils and organic forms that suggest energy, harmony, life, movement and depth of field. She diverse strategies fuse the experiential and the exploratory. It’s a voyage to the center of her inner cosmos – dripping fluids, molecules and suspended biomorphic forms that inhabit the human body and her body politics.

 She recently was selected for The Art Student League od New York’s prestigious Career Development Program under the tutelage of the renowned painter, Marc Dennis.


I am a Mixmedia Painter. 

I create organic shapes, experimenting with colors and textures, that represent my thoughts and feelings.

Listening to music is a critical part of my process. I like to think that I dance in the canvas.

 I continue this journey of search and personal knowledge.

Represented by:

2021-23- Lariot Collective Gallery, London.


2024- Landmark Chelsea Gallery, New York.

2022- Lariot Collective, Galeria Nueva, Madrid.

2021- Vandart -SOLO show in SOHo, New York.

2020- WW Pandemic

2019-The Phyllis Harriman Maison Gallery, New York, Special Mention.

2018- Art Miami-New York in VK Gallery in New York

2018- The Phyllis Harriman Maison Gallery, New York, Special Mention.

2018- Permanent exhibition in Gaudi Gallery, Madrid.

2018- AAF Milano, Gaudi Gallery. 

2017- Private event in Amanali Golf Club. Intervened photography.

2017- Exhibition of Contemporary Art - Club de empresarios- México DF.Intervened photography and sculpture.

2017- Exhibition in UBS Gallery in Madrid, Intervened photography.

2017-The Phyllis Harriman Mason Gallery, New York.

2016- Exhibition of Contemporary Art - Club de empresarios- México DF.Intervened photography and sculpture.

2016- Art Basel week, Art House Valle de Bravo. Intervened photography.

since 2015-Permanent exhibition in Mosca Gallery Madrid . Intervened photography.

since 2015-Permanent exhibition in Art House Gallery in Valle de Bravo (Mexico)Intervened photography.

2015-Exhibition of Contemporary Art - Club de empresarios- México DF.Intervened photography and sculpture.

2014-“feria de arte School Foundation” in Mexico. Intervened photography and sculpture.

2014-Exhibition in Millesime annual event México. Intervened photography.

2012-” “, New York. Intervened photography.

2011-Exhibition in UBS Gallery in Madrid. Intervened photography.

2011-Exhibition in Palacio del Retiro Hotel Madrid. Intervened photography.

2010-Exhibtion in La Vaquería Suiza in Madrid Intervened photography.